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graphic designer // photographer // content creator
I have been dealing with graphics since 2019. Commercially, since 2020, I have been creating content for social media, designing logos, graphics, banners, menus, advertising posters. In addition to commercial projects, I create various graphics, usually on the subject of dreams and surrealism, pouring my emotions on them. A large part of these works can be purchased for printing (in the PRINTS tab). I also deal with company, product and fashion photography. I am characterized by minimalism and aesthetics.

Interview for Gece Kolektif

Can you tell us about yourself? 

M: I'm 28yo boy from Poland. Finished 2nd degrees of toursim and recreation on University of Lodz.

What was it that made you start photography? Were you always interested in it, or was there something else before that you wanted to do?

M: I always had problems with expressing feelings and emotions to other people. So mayby it’s kind of therapy. I was starting to deal with a photography pretty late, around 3 years ago when I bought my first camera. About graphic design even later. Around 1 year ago. I was appreciate beautiful frames from young age but started to capture it way later. I've perceive world in a frames. Over time and lately I started to add some more dreamy mood into my graphics/photos. To get people to reflect their own lives and dreams and what they could forget about. Most of my works has my emotions at the time and some meanings I wanted to show. Actually I never knew what I want to do. All I know is that I love to create.

What or who inspires you? Do you have a favourite photographer?

M: Everything inspires me. Everythings around and inside my head. I always had a fertile imagination so I don’t have to look far. I have an artists which inspires me more than other but there’s dozens of them so I could’t even chose top 10. Love them all.

What does photography mean to you?

M: Photography/graphic design for me is nothing more than express myself, vent of emotions, willingness to raise certain topics I want people to talk. 

What kind of equipment do you use? Camera, digital, film, lens?

M: I’m using mirrorless camera Sony A6000 with most of the time 18-105mm F4 and 50mm F1.8 lenses but appetite for a few more.

Probably, it’s really hard to choose “your favourite work” but which one is your favourite? Why?

M: Oh, I could’t chose one. I’m very strict to myself and most of the time after few days I finished my work there something I wanna change or even delete at all. That’s why I have so many works I never show to the world an prpbably never will. There’s few works which I like more then others but not because they are better done but more cause they reminding me about some time of my life or emotions I felt at the time. 

How do you prepare yourself for your photoshoots? Are you plan the images in your mind you take?

M: Most of the time I not making any plan. When I see it then I know, it’s just a moment. Sometimes I have a sketch in my head but usually at the end something else comes out. Something that is born in the process. Most ideas are born in post-production. Everything depends on my mood and what I would like to show.

Your colour palette is so cool! Can you give us some editing tips? Which program is your favourite, how you edit the images?

M: I’m using only adobe programs. Photoshop, Lightroom, sometimes Illlustrator. All I can say that it’s always fun for me. I’m playing with colors and choosing which is best to my mood and fit into my work. But I know I should develop those skills.

As you know, the whole world has been affected by an epidemic. Does Covid-19 affect your art?

M: Actually, pandemic affected my art but in a good way. Why is that? Cause I had more time to spend working on it. Begining of pandemic it was the begining of my art journey. It affected on my mood and what came out of it. Pandemic time changed my way of thinking what I create.


Anything else you would like to add?

Be health. Be creative.

Source: Gece Sohbetleri #11: Michał Bińkiewicz (

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